2023 Past Collegians Lunch

The College was pleased to welcome 90 guests to the annual lunch for any student who is a past Collegian held during the school holidays in the Functions Room.

Not many schools can still claim living ‘first dayers’ at events and we are more than happy that many of the original 107 men who attended the Canterbury campus on that first day in 1950 still make an effort to come along.  We also welcomed many ‘new’ faces to the day with younger members of the past student cohort attending.

It is always a great day for our men to catch up with old mates, reconnect with others and the College and relax as they recount old stories. For a few guests it was the first time through the doors in 50 years!

The day was preceded by Mass celebrated by Fr Steve Rigo (Class of 1973) with Br Michael Herry (Class of 1962) providing the music. Our guests mingled on the balcony in glorious sunshine before taking their seats for lunch. Guest speaker was Alan O’Connor (Class of 1966) who spoke about his time in the Vietnam War and his extensive charity work since.

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