Secondary boys college Est. in 1950
Principal's Update 3 May 2024
Dear Marcellin College Community,
I have returned from an amazing experience where I, along with 26 other Marist educational leaders, completed a pilgrimage that followed in the footsteps of St Paul, followed by an experience in Champagnat country. This spiritual journey allowed us to delve into the early Church’s history and St Paul’s transformative path. We then moved to La Valla in France where we visited significant sites related to our founder, St Marcellin, and other places that are important to our Marist story. The experience deepened my appreciation for our rich heritage and I look forward to sharing more of my experiences with staff and students later in the term.
This week has seen us celebrate together at our Inter-House Athletics Carnival. I enjoyed experiencing this tradition after a number of years where we were unable to hold the event. My congratulations to Kenny House on their hard-fought victory and to all students who challenged themselves throughout the day. I was particularly impressed with the array of costumes worn by our Year 12 students on the day and how all students contributed to the sense of community on the day.
Our music students are currently travelling to Mount Gambier to showcase, perform and compete in the Generations in Jazz music festival. We wish them all the best. Along with many parents, I had the pleasure of previewing some of their performances on Tuesday at our Jazz Night. They are a talented and impressive group of young men and I look forward to hearing of their successes when they return.
Lastly, I encourage each family to participate in my review which can be found in a Compass post by Mr Nicholas Moloney. I am looking forward to the process and encourage you to fill out the survey.
Together, let us continue to build on the exceptional legacy of our college community. Thank you for your ongoing support and involvement.
St Marcellin Champagnat, pray for us
Mary our good mother, pray for us
And may we always remember to, pray for one another
Marco Di Cesare
Principal's Welcome