Secondary boys college Est. in 1950


Principal's Update 31 May 2024

Dear Members of the Marcellin College Community,

This week the Principal's Association of Victorian Catholic Secondary Schools (PAVCASS) hosted a faith and enrichment conference in Healesville. As the Chair of the Faith and Enrichment Committee, I have the privilege of working with a handful of principals to ensure that our conferences are faith-focused and add to the leadership of our colleges.

We were honoured to hear from Sr. Barbara Reid, O.P., Ph.D., an esteemed scholar who offered profound insights into the nature of leadership from a biblical perspective. Sr. Reid's presentations, themed Biblical Models of Leadership, were an enlightening exploration of how ancient texts can inform contemporary leadership practices, particularly in the context of service and community building.

In her first session, Sr. Reid delved into the concept of servant leadership, using the powerful imagery of Jesus as a foot washer from John 13:1-20. This poignant scene, where Jesus washes the feet of his disciples, serves as a radical paradigm of leadership. It emphasises humility, selflessness, and a profound commitment to serving others. Sr. Reid linked this ancient example to modern leadership, urging leaders to embrace service not as a form of servitude but as a genuine act of love and humility. This model challenges us to reflect on our own leadership styles and consider how we might better serve our communities.

Sr. Reid also discussed the concept of prophetic leadership, drawing from the stories of prophets in the Old and New Testaments. She highlighted how figures like Mary, Elizabeth, and Anna in the Gospel of Luke exemplified leadership through their courage to speak truth to power and offer hope in times of despair. This form of leadership is particularly relevant today, as it calls on us to advocate for justice and be voices of hope in our own communities. Sr. Reid’s insights remind us that effective leadership often involves challenging the status quo and envisioning a better future for all.

The sessions were not just theoretical but also practical, encouraging attendees to reflect on their own experiences of leadership. Sr. Reid’s emphasis on non-hierarchical relationships and synodal processes highlighted the importance of inclusive and participatory leadership. This approach fosters a sense of belonging and shared responsibility, essential for building strong and resilient communities.

For our College, these discussions are particularly relevant as we strive to nurture young leaders who are not only academically accomplished but also compassionate and socially responsible. Sr. Reid’s teachings offer a valuable framework for all of us to think about leadership in a broader, more impactful way. As we move forward, let us take inspiration from these biblical models to lead with humility, courage, and a genuine desire to serve others.

God bless,

Marco Di Cesare

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